Launching of the Centre
Trailokya Nath Upraity (TN) Centre for Education was formally launched on june , 2011, Saturday at the Kathmandu University premises Balkumari, Lalitpur. Mr. Ganga Lal Tuladhar, Minister of Education Presided over the inaugural function. Chief Guest, Shree Madhav Prasad Ghimire, the National Poet inaugurated and delivered the keynote speech. Rastra Kabi (National Poet) Shree Madhav Prasad Ghimire inaugurated the TN Centre by lighting the Nepalese Traditional Lamp. Rastra Kabi M.P. Ghimire addressed Dr. T.N. Upraity as his “Guru” (Mentor) and outlined the main courses of events while Dr. Upraity was engaged in the development of the College of Education out of a small basic training and primary teacher training center. The Chief Guest Kabi Ghimire explained how Dr. Upraity contributed to the development of a national education system for Nepal by steering the work of the first Nepal National Education Planning Commission during 1954-56. Kabi Ghimire said he was lucky to have served as a teacher in the College of Education when Dr. Upraity was the principal.
Honorable Minister for Education Shree Ganga Lal Tuladhar highly appreciated the pious desire of Mrs. Satyavati Upraity and her family to support the creation of the Centre which has great potential to make valuable contributions in the development of education in Nepal. The minister said, “There are many in Nepal who are financially much better off than Mrs. Upraity and her family. The value is not the amount of contribution but the magnanimity of the heart that Mrs. Satyavati Upraity has shown for a good cause.”
The function was initiated with the welcome address from Mr. Deepak Upraity, son of late Dr. T.N. Upraity. He highlighted his father’s dedication to education and for the cause of development of national education plays the central role for national development and he proved his belief through his continued initiatives in education, up to the very last breath of his life. Mr. Deepak Upraity expressed that he and his family will continue to support the cause of education for which his father had devoted most of his life. He emphasized, TN Centre for Education is the manifestation of the desire of T.N. Upraity’s consort (wife) Mrs. Satyavati Upraity to continue her husband’s mission. Mr. Deepak Upraity expressed gratitude to Kathmandu University for recognizing T.N. Uraity’s contributions to education by creating the TN Centre for Education at Kathmandu University.
Dr. Kadar N Shrestha, Honorary Director of the TN Centre for Education briefly explained the vision and mission of the centre. Dr. Shrestha explained TN Centre for Education aims to promote and support developmental research and analysis of key issues of Nepalese education as the strategy for educational innovation and reform. He added TN Centre will organize evaluative studies, seminars and roundtables supported by research based lead papers.
Dr. Shrestha added, TN Centre for Education will also be involved in the formulation and execution of action research projects focused on selected key areas aiming to raise the quality, relevance and equity aspect of national education.
TN Centre will also make provisions for setting up separate voluntary contribution of funds for specific purpose as desired by the contributing parties. TN Centre will also institute special awards to individuals and/or organizations for outstanding contributions to specific areas of development of education in Nepal. Dr. Shrestha made an appeal for support and contribution to the TN Centre and its mission.
Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma, the Vice-chancellor of Kathmandu University and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the TN Centre for Education briefly explained the importance of the TN Centre for Education in the present context of educational development in Nepal. He thanked Mrs. Satyavati Upraity for generously providing initial lump sum financial contribution to establish the Centre. Dr. Sharma went on to say, it is a privilege for Kathmandu University to set up the Centre for Education in tribute to Dr. T.N. Upraity, whose contributions to the development of education in Nepal and Kathmandu University have been pathbreaking.
Dr. Bhadra Man Tuladhar, the Registrar of Kathmandu University presented the vote of thanks. Dr. Tuladhar thanked all who attended the function including Mr. Axel Plathe UNESCO representative for Nepal and gave special appreciation to those senior educators and fellow colleagues of late Dr. T.N. Upraity who had worked with him during the founding days of the College of Education like Mrs. Chandra Kala Kiran, Mr. Batuk Prasad Rajbhandary, Dr. Leela Devi K.C., and Mr. Bakhat Bahadur Chitrakar.